Prof. EMILIO AGOSTONI                                                                                                              Italian version

Sezione di Fisiologia umana                                                                                    

Università degli Studi di Milano                                                                                        

Via Mangiagalli 32, 20133 Milano

Italy - 0039-02-50315432



                                                                                                                          Printable CV (pdf)                                    


Born        March 18, 1929 in Milan, Italy

Married    to Ada Ferrario, 5 children

Address    Dipartimento di Fisiologia umana, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Mangiagalli 32, 20133 Milano, Italy - 0039-02-50315432 - e-mail:

Academic career

1953    M.D. University of Milan

1954      Honorary Research Assistant, Department of Physiology, University College, London (Prof. M. De Burgh Daly).

1954-1966     Assistant Institute of Human Physiology University of Milan (Prof. R. Margaria). Lecturer of Applied Physiology in the Faculty of Sciences (1962-1965), and of Biophysics in the Medical Faculty (1964-1966) of the University of Milan.

1958-1959   U.S. National Institutes of Health Fellow, Depts. of Physiology University of Rochester, N.Y. (Prof. W.O. Fenn), and N.Y. State University at Buffalo (Prof. H. Rahn).

1966-1972      Professor and Chairman, Institute of Human Physiology, University of Ferrara.

1972-2001      Professor and Chairman, Institute of Human Physiology, University of Milan.

2001-2004      Professor, Institute of Human Physiology, University of Milan.

present            Emeritus Professor , University of Milan.

Scientific Societies and Academics

-   Councilor (1973-76; 1989-91), and President (1991-1993) of the Italian Physiological Society.

-   Councilor of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (1974-1983). 

-   Member (1974-77), and Chairman (1977-1983) of the Commission on Respiratory Physiology of the IUPS. 

-   Corresponding (1975), and full member (1993) of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome.

-   Corresponding (1993), and full member (1997) of the Istituto Lombardo, Milan.


-   International Morelli prize for Pneumology (1971, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei).

-   National Feltrinelli prize for Medicine (1974, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei).


-   Member of the Editorial Board of Respiration Physiology (1966-73).

-   Associate Editor of News in Physiological Sciences (1988-1991).

-   Invited Reviewer of the following Journals: American Journal of Physiology, Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of Biomechanics, Respiration Physiology, Pflügers Archiv, European Journal of Applied and Occupational Physiology, American Review of Respiratory Disease.

Invited lectures, seminars, and invitations to symposia or meetings

1958-59 - Seminars in the Departments of Physiology of the University of Rochester, N.Y., of the N.Y. State University at Buffalo, of the Harvard School of Public Health, and in the Pediatric Clinic of the Harvard Medical School, Boston.

1962 - Symposium “Mechanical properties of the lung”, 22nd Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Leiden.

1964 - Lecture in the Laboratories of Aerospace Medical Research, Wright Paterson AFB. Seminars in the Depts. of Physiology of the N.Y. State University at Buffalo, and of the Harvard School of Public Health.

1965 - Symposium “Breathlessness”, University of Manchester, and “Physiology of Breath Hold Diving and the Ama of Japan” sponsored by the International Union of Physiology Sciences in conjunction with the 23rd Congress, Tokyo.

1967 - Lecture at the School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB. Seminars in the Depts. of Physiology of the McGill University, Montreal, of the N.Y. State University at Buffalo, of the University of Cincinnati, and of the University of Florida, Gainesville.

1968 - IUPS satellite Symposium “The Pulmonary Circulation and the Interstitial Fluid”, Chicago.

1971 - Lecture at the meeting “Vertical gradient of pleural pressure” sponsored by the McGill University, Mount St. Hilaire. Seminars in the Depts. of Physiology of the University of Manitoba at Winnipeg, and the Harvard School of Public Health, in the Depts. of Anesthesiology of the Toronto General Hospital, and in that of Medicine of the University of California at San Diego.

1973 - Chairmanship of the Symposium “Lung distensibility”, on occasion of the Congress of the European Society of Clinical Respiratory Physiology, Oxford.

1975 - Symposium “Lung liquids” CIBA Foundation, London.

1977 - Lecture “Topography of Pleural Surface Pressure”, 27th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Paris. Opening lecture “Topography of Pleural Pressure”, 5th Congress of the European Society of Clinical respiratory Physiology, Milan. 

1980 - Chairmanship of the Symposium “Respiratory Muscles in Man: Mechanics and Control”, 28th IUPS Congress, Budapest. IUPS satellite Symposium “Gas Exchange Function of Normal and Diseased Lung”, Göttingen.

1981 - Seminar in the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Basel.

1985 - Symposium “Pleural Space: Structure and Function”, Fall Meeting of the American Physiological Society, Niagara Falls.

1986 - IUPS satellite Symposium “Respiratory Muscles: Striated and Smooth”, Vancouver Island.

1987 - Foreign guest at the Celebration of the Centennial of the American Physiological Society, Washington.

Main scientific contributions

Most of the researches concerns the mechanics of breathing, the exchanges of liquid and solutes through the pleuras, the activity of the respiratory muscles. In various animal species the pressure of the pleural liquid was found more subatmospheric than that exerted by the retraction force of the lung: its relevance for the mechanical coupling between lung and chest wall was pointed out. The role of the Starling pressures in liquid exchanges through the visceral pleura was determined. One of the first reliable measurement of blood pressure in the pulmonary capillaries was provided, and it was shown than in the pulmonary circulation the flow resistance is similar in the arterial and venous side. With an original technique the first measurements of pleural liquid thickness were obtained in animals under physiological conditions, and with hydrothorax. The topography of transpulmonary pressure in various animal species was determined with a new method. These measurements in various postures showed that the vertical gradient of transpulmonary pressure is not mainly due to the weight of the lung, as believed, but to the effect of gravity on the shape of the thoraco-abdominal wall. Pleural liquid pressure in the zone of apposition of the diaphragm to the rib cage was found higher than that in the lung zone at iso-height: its implications for pleural liquid exchanges were shown. Measurements of the coefficient of kinetic friction between the pleurae have shown that the marked increase produced by mesothelial damage is removed by the addition of sialomucin or hyaluronic acid. When the mesothelium is damaged lubrication is no longer boundary, but mixed.

By measuring the decrease in net rate of liquid absorption from hydrothoraces of various size caused by inhibitors of the sodium/hydrogen - chloride/bicarbonate double exchange or of the sodium-glucose cotransport, indirect evidence was provided in rabbits of an iso-osmotic liquid absorption consequent to an active solute transport from the pleural space. From these data the net rate of solute-coupled liquid absorption from the pleural space under physiological conditions was determined. This rate was found to be increased by beta2-adrenergic stimulation, and by a decrease in protein concentration in pleural liquid. By means of specific antibodies, evidence of the expression of the sodium-glucose cotransport was obtained both in the visceral and parietal mesothelium of rabbit pleura. This evidence has been obtained also in sheep and in cells of human pleural mesothelium, i.e. in species with thick visceral pleura. Moreover, by immunofluorescence evidence has been provided that this cotransporter is located in the luminal membrane of the pleural mesothelium. The diffusional permeability of the mesothelium to water, small and large solutes was measured in vitro. This enabled to show that the mesothelial cells are permeable to water, and to determine the equivalent radius of the paracellular pores of the mesothelium. Transcytosis in the mesothelium was shown to provide an appreciable removal of liquid and protein from the pleural space. In line with the indications of some of the above researches, experiments with labelled albumin and dextran showed that lymphatic drainage through the stomata of the parietal pleura do not contribute most of liquid and protein removal from the pleural space, as maintained by others. By means of immunofluorescence, in rats and sheep, evidence was provided that the sodium-glucose cotransport is expressed, besides in type II alveolar epithelial cells, also in type I cells, that contribute 95% of lung alveolar surface.

The resistance to the first breath was determined in animals, and the high specific compliance of the chest wall in the newborn was pointed out. By measuring the transdiaphragmatic and transabdominal pressure at various lung volumes, during muscle relaxation and maximum efforts, the quantitative treatment of the thoraco-abdominal mechanics in man was introduced. This contributed a considerable progress in the study of the mechanics of breathing, widely used in physiopathology. The relevance of the force-velocity relationship of muscle in limiting the maximum respiratory flow was shown. Measurements of transdiaphragmatic pressure coupled to records of the electrical activity of the diaphragm in man through an esophageal catheter showed that:1) diaphragm activity persist during the first part of expiration, and its decay rate increase with the increase in breathing frequency; 2) at the end of maximum expiration the diaphragm contracts. 3) At the end of spontaneous expiration during water immersion up to the neck, the diaphragm is distended as at the end of a maximum expiration in air, but it is essentially relaxed. Diaphragm electromyography during voluntary breathholding showed two phases: during the first one diaphragm activity disappears (voluntary inhibition of respiratory muscles activity), during the second one diaphragm activity resumes, and progressively increases (central inspiratory activity overcomes voluntary inhibition).


Articles on experimental research

  1. Agostoni, E., J.E. Chinnock, M. Daly de Burgh, J.G. Murray. Functional and histological studies on the vagus nerve to the heart, lungs and abdominal viscera in the cat. J. Physiol., London 135: 182-205, 1957.

  2. Agostoni, E., J.E. Chinnock, M. Daly de Burgh. The effect of stimulation of the carotid sinus baroreceptors upon the pulmonary arterial blood pressure in the cat. J. Physiol., London 137: 447-459, 1957.

  3. Setnikar, I., E. Agostoni, A. Taglietti. Entità, caratteristiche ed origine della depressione pleurica. Arch. Sc. Biol., Bologna 41: 312-325, 1957.

  4. Margaria, R., A. Taglietti, E. Agostoni. Indirect determination of respiratory dead space and mean alveolar air composition. J. Appl. Physiol. 11: 235-240, 1957.

  5. Agostoni, E., A. Taglietti. Sulle proprietà plastiche del polmone. Arch. Fisiol. 57: 230-242, 1957.

  6. Agostoni, E., A. Taglietti, I. Setnikar. Absorption force of the capillaries of the visceral pleura in determination of intrapleural pressure. Am. J. Physiol. 191: 277-282, 1957.

  7. Agostoni, E., A. Taglietti, A. Ferrario Agostoni. Composizione dell'aria alveolare e spazio morto respiratorio a diversi livelli metabolici. Arch. Fisiol. 58: 256-269, 1958.

  8. Agostoni, E., A. Taglietti, A. Ferrario Agostoni, I. Setnikar. Mechanical aspects of the first breath. J. Appl. Physiol. 13: 344-348, 1958.

  9. Setnikar, I., E. Agostoni, A. Taglietti. The fetal lung, a source of amniotic fluid. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 101: 842-845, 1959.

10. Agostoni, E., F.F. Thimm, W.O. Fenn. Comparative features of the mechanics of breathing. J. Appl. Physiol. 14: 679-683, 1959.

11. Agostoni, E. Volume-pressure relationship of the thorax and lung in the the newborn. J. Appl. Physiol. 14: 909-913, 1959.

12. Agostoni, E., W.O. Fenn. Velocity of muscle shortening as a limiting factor in respiratory air flow. J. Appl. Physiol. 15: 349-353, 1960.

13. Agostoni, E., H. Rahn. Abdominal and thoracic pressures at different lung volumes. J. Appl. Physiol. 15: 1087-1092, 1960.

14. Agostoni, E., G. Sant'Ambrogio, H. del Portillo Carrasco. Electromyography of the diaphragm in man and transdiaphragmatic pressure. J.Appl. Physiol. 15: 1093-1097, 1960.

15. Agostoni, E. A graphical analysis of the thoraco-abdominal mechanics during the breathing cycle. J. Appl. Physiol. 16: 1055-1059, 1961.

16. Agostoni, E. Diaphragm activity and thoraco-abdominal mechanics during positive pressure breathing. J. Appl. Physiol. 17: 215-22, 1962.

17. Agostoni, E., G. Torri. Diaphragm contraction as a limiting factor to maximum expiration. J. Appl. Physiol. 17: 427-428, 1962.

18. Agostoni, E., J. Piiper. Capillary pressure and distribution of vascular resistance in isolated lungs. Am. J. Physiol. 202: 1033-1036, 1962.

19. Agostoni, E. Diaphragm activity during breath holding: factors related to its onset. J. Appl. Physiol. 18: 30-36, 1963.

20. Sant'Ambrogio, G., D.T. Frazier, M.F. Wilson, E. Agostoni. Motor innervation and pattern of activity of cat diaphragm. J. Appl. Physiol. 18: 43-46, 1963.

21. Agostoni, E., P. Mognoni, G. Sant'Ambrogio, R. Ravagnan. Effetto dell'acidosi e dell'alcalosi metabolica sull'insorgenza dell'attività diaframmatica durante apnea volontaria. Arch. Sc. Biol. Bologna 47: 348-355, 1963.

22. Agostoni, E., G. Sant'Ambrogio, P. Mognoni. Effects of central stimulants on the onset of diaphragm activity during breath-holding. J. Appl. Physiol. 19: 408-412, 1964.

23. Agostoni, E., P. Mognoni, G. Torri, F. Saracino. Relation between changes of rib cage circumference and lung volume. J. Appl. Physiol. 20: 1179-1186, 1965.

24. Agostoni, E., P. Mognoni, G. Torri, A. Ferrario Agostoni. Static features of the passive rib cage and abdomen-diaphragm. J. Appl. Physiol. 20: 1187-1193, 1965.

25. Agostoni, E., G. Gurtner, G. Torri, H. Rahn. Respiratory mechanics during submersion and negative-pressure breathing. J. Appl. Physiol. 21: 251-258, 1966.

26. Agostoni, E., P. Mognoni. Deformation of the chest wall during breathing efforts. J. Appl. Physiol. 21: 1827-1832, 1966.

27. Agostoni, E., P. Mognoni, G. Torri, G. Miserocchi. Forces deforming the rib cage. Respir. Physiol. 2: 105-117, 1966.

28. Agostoni, E., G. Torri. An analysis of the chest wall motions at high values of ventilation. Respir. Physiol. 3: 318-332, 1967.

29. Mognoni, P., F. Saibene, G. Sant'Ambrogio, E. Agostoni. Dynamics of the maximal contraction of the respiratory muscles. Respir. Physiol. 4: 193-202, 1968.

30. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo, G. Roncoroni. The thickness of the pleural liquid. Respir. Physiol. 5: 1-13, 1968.

31. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo. The recoil of the most dependent part of the lung. Respir. Physiol. 5: 379-384, 1968.

32. Agostoni, E., G. Miserocchi, M.V. Bonanni. Thickness and pressure of the pleural liquid in some mammals. Respir. Physiol. 6: 245-256, 1969.

33. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo, M.V. Bonanni. Measurements of pleural liquid pressure without cannula. J. Appl. Physiol. 26: 258-260, 1969.

34. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo. Thickness and pressure of the pleural liquid at various heights and with various hydrothoraces. Respir. Physiol. 6: 330-342, 1969.

35. D'Angelo, E., M.V. Bonanni, S. Michelini, E. Agostoni. Topography of the pleural surface pressure in rabbits and dogs. Respir. Physiol. 8: 204-229, 1970.

36. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo, M.V. Bonanni. The effect of the abdomen on the vertical gradient of pleural surface pressure. Respir. Physiol. 8: 332-346, 1970.

37. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo, M.V. Bonanni. Topography of pleural surface pressure above resting volume in relaxed animals. J. Appl. Physiol 29: 297-306, 1970.

38. Agostoni, E., G. Miserocchi. Vertical gradient of transpulmonary pressure with active and artificial lung expansion. J. Appl. Physiol. 29: 705-712, 1970.

39. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo. Comparative features of the transpulmonary pressure. Respir. Physiol. 11: 76-83, 1970/71.

40. Miserocchi, G., E. Agostoni. Contents of the pleural space. J. Appl Physiol. 30: 208-213, 1971.

41. D'Angelo, E., S. Michelini, E. Agostoni. Partition of factors contributing to the vertical gradient of transpulmonary pressure. Respir. Physiol. 12: 90-101, 1971.

42. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo. Topography of pleural surface pressure during simulation of gravity effect on abdomen. Respir. Physiol. 12: 102-109, 1971.

43. Miserocchi, G., E. D'Angelo, E. Agostoni. Topography of pleural surface pressure after pneumo- or hydrothorax. J. Appl. Physiol. 32: 296-302, 1972.

44. Miserocchi, G., E. D'Angelo, S. Michelini, E. Agostoni. Displacements of the lung hilum, pleural surface pressure and alveolar morphology. Respir. Physiol. 16: 161-174, 1972.

45. Miserocchi, G., E. Agostoni. Longitudinal forces acting on the trachea. Respir. Physiol. 17: 62-71, 1973.

46. D'Angelo, E., G. Miserocchi, S. Michelini, E. Agostoni. Local transpulmonary pressure after lobar occlusion. Respir. Physiol. 18: 328-337, 1973.

47. D'Angelo, E., E. Agostoni. Continuous recording of pleural surface pressure at various sites. Respir. Physiol. 19: 356-368, 1973.

48. D'Angelo, E., E. Agostoni. Effect of histamine on the vertical gradient of transpulmonary pressure. Respir. Physiol. 20: 331-335, 1974.

49. D'Angelo, E., G. Sant'Ambrogio, E. Agostoni. Effect of diaphragm activity or paralysis on distribution of pleural pressure. J. Appl. Physiol. 37: 311-315, 1974.

50. D'Angelo, E., E. Agostoni. Distribution of transpulmonayr pressure and chest wall shape. Respir. Physiol. 22: 335-344, 1974.

51. D'Angelo, E., E. Agostoni. Vertical gradients of pleural and transpulmonary pressure with liquid-filled lungs. Respir. Physiol. 23: 159-173, 1975.

52. D'Angelo, E., E. Agostoni. Tonic vagal influences on inspiratory duration. Respir. Physiol. 24: 287-302, 1975.

53. D'Angelo, E., E. Agostoni. Immediate response to expiratory threshold load. Respir. Physiol. 25: 269-284, 1975.

54. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo. The effect of limb movements on the regulation of depth and rate of breathing. Respir. Physiol. 27: 33-52, 1976.

55. D'Angelo, E., G. Miserocchi, E. Agostoni. Effect of rib cage or abdomen compression at iso-lung volume on breathing pattern. Respir. Physiol. 28: 161-177, 1976.

56. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo, G. Torri, L. Ravenna. Effects of uneven elastic loads on breathing pattern of anesthetized and conscious men. Respir. Physiol. 30: 153-168, 1977.

57. Agostoni, E., E. D'Angelo, M. Piolini. Breathing pattern in men during inspiratory elastic loads. Respir. Physiol. 34: 279-393, 1978.

58. Agostoni, E., G. Citterio, E. D'Angelo. Decay rate of inspiratory muscle pressure during expiration in man. Respir. Physiol. 36: 269-285, 1979.

59. D'Angelo, E., H. Heisler, E. Agostoni. Acid-base balance of pleural liquid in dogs. Respir. Physiol. 37: 137-149, 1979.

60. Agostoni, E., G. Citterio. Relative decay rate of inspiratory muscle pressure and breath timing in man. Respir. Physiol. 38: 335-346, 1979.

61. Miserocchi, G., E. Agostoni. Pleural liquid and surface pressure at various lung volumes. Respir. Physiol. 39: 315-326, 1980.

62. Citterio, G., E. Agostoni. Decay of inspiratory muscle activity and breath timing in man. Respir. Physiol. 43: 117-132, 1981.

63. Miserocchi, G., T. Nakamura, E. Agostoni. Change pattern of pleural deformation pressure on varying lung height and volume. Respir. Physiol. 43: 197-208, 1981.

64. Citterio, G., E. Agostoni, A. del Santo, L. Marazzini. Decay of inspiratory muscle activity in chronic airway obstruction. J. Appl. Physiol.: 51: 1388-1397, 1981.

65. Citterio, G., E. Agostoni, S. Piccoli, S. Sironi. Selective activation of parasternal muscle fibers according to breathing rate. Respir. Physiol. 48: 281-295, 1982.

66. Citterio, G., S. Sironi, S. Piccoli, E. Agostoni. Slow to fast shift in inspiratory muscle fibers during heat tachypnea. Respir. Physiol. 51: 259-274, 1983.

67. Citterio, G., E. Agostoni. Inspiratory facilitation and inhibition from pulmonary stretch receptors in rabbits. Respir. Physiol. 53: 307-323, 1983.

68. Citterio, G., E. Agostoni. Selective activation of quadriceps muscle fibers according to bicycling rate. J. Appl. Physiol.: 57: 371-379, 1984.

69. Citterio, G., S. Piccoli, E. Agostoni. Breathing pattern and diaphragm EMG after sulphur dioxide in rabbit intra-or extrathoracic airways. Respir. Physiol. 59: 169-183, 1985.

70. Agostoni, E., G. Citterio, S. Piccoli. Reflex partitioning of inputs from stretch receptors of bronchi and thoracic trachea. Respir. Physiol. 60: 311-328, 1985.

71. Mortola, J.P., G. Citterio, E. Agostoni. Sulphur dioxide block of laryngeal receptors in rabbits. Respir. Physiol. 62: 195-202, 1985.

72. Citterio, G., J.P. Mortola, E. Agostoni. Reflex effects on breathing of laryngeal denervation, negative pressure and sulphur dioxide in upper airways. Respir. Physiol. 62: 203-215, 1985.

73. Citterio, G., E. Agostoni. Discontinuity between inspiratory and postinspiratory diaphragm activity in man and rabbit. Respir. Physiol. 64: 295-306, 1986.

74. Agostoni, E., A. Mugnai Cavagna, G. Citterio. Effects of stretch receptors of bronchi or trachea on genioglossus muscle activity. Respir. Physiol. 67: 335-345, 1987.

75. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi. Postinspiratory-ramp activity of diaphragm under inspiratory resistive load. Respir. Physiol. 69: 369-385, 1987.

76. Macklem, P.T., L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Pleural pressure between diaphragm and rib cage during inspiratory muscle activity. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 1286-1295, 1988.

77. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi, P.T. Macklem. Transdiaphragmatic pressure and rib motion in area of apposition during paralysis. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 1296-1300, 1988.

78. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi, P.G. Agostoni, P.T. Macklem. Pleural pressure from abdominal to pulmonary rib cage: sweep of the lung border. Respir. Physiol. 75: 105-115, 1989.

79. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi, P.G. Agostoni. Pleural liquid pressure at the caudal border of the lung. Respir. Physiol. 75: 117-128, 1989.

80. Agostoni, E., P.G. Agostoni, L. Zocchi. Pleural liquid pressure in zone of apposition and in the lung zone. Respir. Physiol. 76: 357-370, 1989.

81. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi, P.T. Macklem. Lung border sweep upon phrenic stimulation: dynamic fall in pleural liquid pressure. Respir. Physiol. 77: 379-394, 1989.

82. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi. Solute-coupled liquid absorption from the pleural space. Respir. Physiol. 81: 19-28, 1990.

83. Zocchi, L., E. Agostoni, D. Cremaschi. Electrolyte transport across the pleura of rabbits. Respir. Physiol. 86: 125-138, 1991.

84. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi. Starling forces and lymphatic drainage in pleural liquid and protein exchanges. Respir. Physiol. 86: 271-281,1991.

85. Zocchi, L., D. Cremaschi, E. Agostoni. Liquid volume, sodium and mannitol concentration in a hypertonic mannitol-Ringer hydrothorax. Respir. Physiol. 89: 341-351, 1992.

86. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi. Active sodium transport and coupled liquid outflow from hydrothoraces of various size. Respir. Physiol. 92: 101-113, 1993.

87. Zocchi, L., E. Agostoni. Effects of beta -adrenergic blockade or stimulation on net rate of hydrothorax absorption. Respir. Physiol. 97: 347-356, 1994.

88. Zocchi, L., E. Agostoni, D. Cremaschi. Beta-agonist activation of an amiloride-insensitive transport mechanism in rabbits pleura. Respir. Physiol. 100: 7-13, 1995.

89. Zocchi, L., E. Agostoni, A. Raffaini. Effect of phloridzin on net rate of liquid absorption from pleural space of rabbits. Exper. Physiol. 81: 957-967, 1996.

90. Zocchi, L., A. Raffaini, E. Agostoni. Effect of adrenaline and alfa-agonists on net rate of liquid absorption from the pleural space of rabbits. Exper. Physiol. 82: 507-520, 1997.

91. Zocchi L., A. Raffaini, E. Agostoni, D. Cremaschi. Diffusional permeability of rabbit mesothelium. J. Appl. Physiol. 85: 471-477, 1998.

92. Agostoni, E., F. Bodega, L. Zocchi. Equivalent radius of paracellular “pores” of the mesothelium. J. Appl. Physiol. 87: 538-544, 1999.

93. Bodega, F., L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Macromolecule transfer through mesothelium and connective tissue. J. Appl. Physiol. 89: 2165-2173, 2000.

94. Bodega F., L. Zocchi, D. Cremaschi, E. Agostoni. Electrical resistance and ion diffusion through mesothelium. Respir. Physiol. 124: 231-241, 2001.

95. Bodega, F., L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Albumin transcytosis in mesothelium. Am. J. Physiol. Lung, Cell. and Mol. Physiol. 282: L3-L11, 2002.

96. Agostoni, E., L. Zocchi, F. Bodega. Albumin transcytosis from the pleural space. J. Appl. Physiol. 93: 1806-1812, 2002.

97. Bodega, F., L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Labeled albumin in plasma and removal paths from pleural space in control and increased ventilation. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 140: 301-311, 2004.

98. Bodega, F., E. Agostoni. Contribution of lymphatic drainage through stomata to albumin removal from pleural space. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 142: 251-263, 2004.

99. Bodega, F., C.Tresoldi, C. Porta, L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Distribution and mixing of a liquid bolus in pleural space. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 150: 287-299, 2006.

100. Tresoldi, C., C. Porta, L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Pleural liquid during hemorrhagic hypotension. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 155: 184-192, 2007.

101. Sironi, C., F. Bodega, C. Porta, L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Espression of Na+-glucose cotransporter in visceral and parietal mesothelium of rabbit pleura. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 159: 68-75, 2007.

102. Sironi, C., F. Bodega, C. Porta, A. Monaco, L. Zocchi, E. Agostoni. Na+-glucose cotransporter is also expressed in mesothelium of species with thick visceral pleura. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 161: 261-266, 2008.

103. Bodega, F., C. Sironi, M. Armilli, C. Porta, E. Agostoni. Evidence for Na+-glucose cotransporter in type I alveolar epithelium. Histochem. Cell. Biol. 134: 129-136, 2010.

104. Sironi, C., F. Bodega, M. Armilli, C. Porta, L. Zocchi, E.Agostoni. β2-Adrenergic receptors and G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 in rabbit pleural mesothelium. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 173: 189-191, 2010.

105. Bodega F., M. Pecchiari, C. Sironi, C. Porta, F. Arnaboldi, I. Barajon and E. Agostoni. Lubricating effect of sialomucin and hyaluronan on pleural mesothelium. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 180: 34-39, 2012.

106. Bodega F., C. Sironi, C. Porta, M. Pecchiari, L. Zocchi and E. Agostoni. Mixed lubrication after rewetting of blotted pleural mesothelium. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 185: 369-373, 2013.

107. Sironi C., F. Bodega, C. Porta and E. Agostoni. Pleural mesothelium lubrication after hyaluronidase, neuroaminidase or pronase treatment. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 188: 60-65, 2013

108. Bodega F., C. Sironi, C. Porta L. Zocchi and E. Agostoni. Pleural mesothelium lubrication after phospholipase treatment. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 194: 49-53, 2014

109. Bodega F., C. Sironi, C. Porta and E. Agostoni. Lubricating recovery of damaged pleural mesothelium: effect of time and of phosphatidylcholines. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 203: 116-120, 2014

110. Bodega F., C. Sironi, C. Porta L. Zocchi and E. Agostoni. Pleural liquid and kinetic friction coefficient of mesothelium after mechanical ventilation.. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 206: 1-3, 2015

Chapters, reviews and monographs

  1. Setnikar, I., E. Agostoni. Factors keeping the lung expanded in the chest. Proc. Int. Un. Physiol. Sci. Symposia. Leiden, 1: 281-286, 1962.

  2. Agostoni, E., R. Margaria. Aspects and problems of respiratory physiology in the aged. In: Aging around the World, edited by H.T. Blumenthal. Columbia University, New York. Vol. IV, 1962 pp. 133-154.

  3. Agostoni, E. Action of respiratory muscles. In: Handbook of Physiology, Respiration Vol. 1, edited by W.O. Fenn and H. Rahn, American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C., 1964 pp. 377-386.

  4. Agostoni, E., J. Mead. Statics of the respiratory system. In: Handbook of Physiology, Respiration, Vol. 1, edited by W.O. Fenn and H. Rahn, American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 387-409.

  5. Mead, J., E. Agostoni. Dynamics of breathing. In: Handbook of Physiology, Respiration, Vol. 1, edited by W.O. Fenn and H. Rahn, Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 411-427.

  6. Agostoni, E. Mechanical significance of the changes of chest wall shape. In: Breathlessness, edited by E.J.M. Campbell and J.B.L. Howell, Blackwell, Oxford, 1965, pp. 147-151.

  7. Agostoni, E. Limitation to depths of diving: mechanics of chest wall. In: Physiology of Breath Hold Diving and the Ama of Japan, edited by H. Rahn. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 139-145.

  8. Agostoni, E. Thickness and pressure of the pleural liquid. In: The Pulmonary Circulation and Interstitial Space, edited by A.P. Fishman, and H.H. Hecht, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1969, pp. 65-77.

  9. Campbell, E.J.M., E. Agostoni, J. Newsom Davis. The Respiratory Muscles: Mechanics and Neural Control. Lloyd-Luke, London, 1970.

10. Agostoni, E. Mechanics of the pleural space. Physiol. Rev. 52: 57-128, 1972.

11. Agostoni, E. Transpulmonary pressure. In: Regional Differences in the Lung, edited by J.B. West, Academic Press, New York, 1977, pp. 245-280.

12. Agostoni, E. and E. D'Angelo. Atemmuskulatur und Atemmechanik. In: Atemwegs-und Lungenkrankheiten. 6: 109-116, 1980.

13. Agostoni, E. and E. D'Angelo. Statics of the chest wall. In: The Thorax, edited by C. Roussos and P.T. Macklem. Dekker, New York, 1985, pp. 259-296.

14. Agostoni, E.. Pleural surface pressure. In: The Pleura in Health and Disease, edited by J. Chrètien, J. Bignon, and A. Hirsch. Dekker, New York, 1985, pp. 127-140.

15. Agostoni, E.. Mechanical coupling between lung and chest wall. In: The Pleura in Health and Disease, edited by J. Chrétien, J. Bignon, and A. Hirsch. Dekker, New York, 1985, pp. 141-149.

16. Agostoni, E. and R.E. Hyatt. Static behaviour of the respiratory system. In: Handbook of Physiology, The Respiratory System, Vol. III Mechanics of Breathing, edited by P.T. Macklem and J. Mead, American Physiological Society, Bethesda Md., 1986, pp. 113-130.

17. Agostoni, E.. Mechanics of the pleural space. In: Handbook of Physiology, The Respiratory System, Vol. III Mechanics of Breathing, edited by P.T. Macklem and J. Mead, American Physiological Society, Bethesda Md., 1986, pp. 531-559.

18. Agostoni E. Compendio di Fisiologia della Respirazione. Milano, Cortina, 1989, 1996.

19. Agostoni E. and E. D'Angelo. Pleural liquid pressure. J. Appl. Physiol. 71 : 393-403, 1991.

20. D'Angelo E. and E. Agostoni. Static of the chest wall. In: The Thorax, edited by C. Roussos. Dekker, New York, 1995, pp. 457-493.

21. Agostoni E. and L. Zocchi. Mechanical coupling and liquid exchange in the pleural space. In: Diseases of the pleura, edited by V. B. Antony. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1998, pp. 241 – 260.

22. Agostoni E. and L. Zocchi. Pleural liquid and its exchanges. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 159: 311-323, 2007.

23. Porta C., C. Sironi, F. Bodega and E. Agostoni. Pleural lubrication. In: Lubricants. 4: 15, 2016.

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